Welcome to the Weapon X Academy!

Are you ready to transform your life?

In the B.E.A.S.T. Program, Brian gives some of his best practices that have helped him unleash the beast within.

Hello blessed people! My name is Brian Dawkins and I am excited to help you become the best version of your self to date. Through my courses below, I aim to transform your life by giving you a sneak peek into the perspective that has helped me achieve great success. In my course, ‘The B.E.A.S.T Program’, I’ll show you:

How to Get Out of Stagnation

❌ How to Avoid Comfort Zones 

❌ How to Grow, Grind and Do Things Differently 

❌ How to Bring the Best Version of Yourself to Any Setting 

❌ How to Make Friends With Your Past, Present & Future

Let’s Get Started!

Whether you’re looking to grow mentally, physically or spiritually, we have a course for you to help you take your life to the next level.

“During this time, I want you to focus on eating healthy, hydrate, pray, read, meditate and breath. Stay Blessed!”

– Brian Dawkins

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